Valorant Concept level
My Thoughts:
I started with a basic blockout that I tested extensively and made multiple changes over time, initially I got the scale and dimensions a bit wrong which made the map feel a bit to small and cramped. But after some up-scaling, play testing and feedback from friends I got the scale that I wanted to run with..
Gimmick and Theme
Futuristic overgrown, dystopian representation of Malaysia / Japan.
As all Valorant maps have a special Gimmick I choose to go with jump pads for certain areas on this map; B-site, attackers spawn.
Initially I did not have any plans for the visual aesthetic of bombsite A. I firstly designed the site from a balance perspective. What I noted when play-testing was that the site itself felt to cramped for what I wanted to do. I therefore added an extra passageway on the right side of the site, this had the unintended effect of making the area look like a harbor and I therefore choose to make that my aesthetic and call the newly added area for harbor. I than started to look for art and inspiration for the visual aesthetic for this site.
Second thing I noted was that the attackers only had on pathway that split into two on their way to the site, this meant that they we easy pickings for the defenders and I therefore added an extra pathway for attackers (A long Dam)
After testing the site some more and asking friends for feedback and different viewpoints I moved around some cover to make the area more balanced.
- Added an extra passage on the right side (harbor)
- Added an elevation to A site (water wheel)
- Added an extra passage from Attackers to A Site (A long, Dam)
- Adjusted cover around A site
- Tweaked line of site visibility
- Improved collision around A site
I already had a plan for this bombsite to look like abandoned repair shop / factory for trains. When it came to the first design choices for the site, I planned for the site to be connected with a train station. By having an entrance leading from the station into the factory. There was a back entrance from the storage unit leading into site, but these 2 entrances got removed when I rotated the site 90 degrees from north to east. Reasoning behind the rotation was for visual purposes and by doing that I cut the running distance in half.
Due to me doing tons of revisions and changes to the site I concluded that the site felt to cramped. Witch lead to me removing a wall in the middle of the room, but with doing that I had to figure out another way to fix the line of site / unwanted angles. But even with me removing the wall I was not satisfied with the site, so I started to look for more options to make the site bigger. After many trials and error, I figured out if I removed upper office, I would have a much bigger area to play around.
- removed entrances from station to factory
- removed storage unity
- flipped bombsite 90 degrees from north to east
- removed wall in the middle of site
- removed upper office
- adjusted cover around B site
When I changed bombsite B I had to change the middle because of the original plan that didn’t work, having the factory and train station connected. At first, I removed the station completely but then I went back and figured out that I could move it to defender’s spawn instead. By doing that I had to redesign middle. I started to add a dock on the side of the factory building which sooner lead to me adding an extra entrance for defenders. That lead to adding an elevation for the defenders for the reasoning that the cover they had felt to similar to the attackers. It felt like the defender had unfair advantage. I tried to balance it out by added an extra entrance for the attackers and adjusted the cover for the attackers and that fixed the line of site issue.
-removed train station
-added another entrance for defender’s
-added an elevation for defenders
-added another entrance for attacker’s
- added more cover for attacker’s
-fixed line of site